Monday, April 28, 2014
The Game of Life Mastery
What if all of life was a game and life mastery was not only possible, but attainable and relatively easy to accomplish? Well it can be easy, especially if you approach life mastery as a game, then that's precisely what it becomes. And certainly it can be a fun game too. When you realize the power you have to shape your life, as well as the capacity you have to choose what you think, feel and experience, it can be exciting and freeing. This is part of life mastery--tapping into your inner power and using it to steer your life in a particular direction, but also included in this is: being able to stay positive, motivated, inspired, keeping your spiritual cup full and overflowing, feeling fulfilled and maintaining abundant, life energy. Mastering your life is about all of these things and many more. It is also about designing a life, rather than making a living.
On the road to life mastery, it's easy to take daily living way too seriously and get all stressed out over the many details. To many, this task can seem overwhelming and insurmountable, but it doesn't have to be. When treated as a game, life mastery becomes fun and exciting. This game is not about perfection, but is about mastering the fundamentals daily. These fundamentals include positive thinking, taking responsibility for yourself emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially. Anyone who practices life mastery takes responsibility for themselves in all of these categories. They also take responsibility for accomplishing their goals and achieving success.
The Game of Life Mastery is not a walk in the park, but a game well worth learning. And though it may take you a while to figure out, when you do, your life will operate much more smoothly and efficiently. Oftentimes the biggest mistake people make in The Game of Life Mastery is abandoning or under-utilizing their personal power. It's a great waste too, because it's right there waiting to be called forth into existence. Tony Robbins said, "For motivation you need inspiration or desperation." This is a humorous, but insightful quote at the same time. It is imperative that you are motivated and inspired to play this game called life, but you also have to discover and utilize your own personal power to get yourself to act and to keep taking action. But remember it's just a game-this thing called life mastery. And you CAN win the game of life. So don't take it so seriously. Just get in there, play hard, have some fun and you will be victorious...
Copyright Justin Topik, Peace Passion Positivity 2014,
All rights reserved, except for use in brief quotations and reviews
which include authors name
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Recognizing the Signs
We live in a loving, responsive universe which is constantly looking out for our best interests. Sometimes it gives us intuitions, warnings and occasionally even irrefutable, undeniable signs. It can also offer us a cosmic nudge to do something, or go somewhere. If we pay attention, this guidance can be found all around us. We all receive impulses, insights and hunches. And sometimes these things can seem abrupt, seemingly impractical, whimsical and may even go totally against our practical mindsets. But nevertheless, it is oftentimes in our best interests to act on and follow their lead, as the universe knows more about whats up ahead, as well as what's coming into our lives than we often do. The higher self, or intuitive self will challenge you to extend yourself beyond rational barriers at times, as it wants to teach you to rely on higher wisdom than your own limited wisdom.
Being on the spiritual path means being open to and aware of the signs and synchronistic events happening all the time in our lives. But it is also about honoring them and heeding their counsel or advice too. Living in this fashion is not something you can learn overnight. It's a way of life and it doesn't come easily. It can take years to grow into and/or master. But with practice it can be integrated into any one's life. It can turn a normal, everyday person into a highly intuitive, integrated and balanced, multi sensory human being. Gary Zukav says this about intuitions and signs in his book, The Seat of The Soul, "Impulses, hunches, sudden insights, and subtle insights have assisted us on our evolutionary path since the origin of our species." It seems pretty obvious this is true, as many great leaders, authors and inventors have attested to receiving this type of guidance and inspiration at crucial turning points in their lives or careers.
Intuitions and signs serve many purposes in our lives. These things help us to survive, thrive, be inspired as well as to be creative. Sometimes they also assist us in remembering our souls purpose or dharma. It's not always about how loud they speak to us either, but how much we are able to listen to and perceive their subtle, life changing messages. Sometimes hunches and signs are very faint, other times they are like fluorescent billboards on the side of the road that you just can't miss. The more we are in tune with our spiritual selves, the more we can pay attention to and follow their wisdom. As the human species is evolving, we are becoming more integrated beings in mind, body and spirit. Learning to value our innate, inner wisdom is an enormous part of this process.
Signs and intuitions serve as guideposts. They can lead us to good jobs or career opportunities, steer us out of bad or distressing situations, help us create inspiring, passionate lives and lives with more love and harmony. Recognizing the Signs that are being laid out for us is ultimately in our best interests. So pay attention, keep your eyes on the road and you never know when the gentle, loving, life directing wisdom and guidance will come to you. The more you honor it and listen, the more it will speak to you...
Copyright Justin Topik, Peace
Passion Positivity 2014,
All rights reserved, except for use in brief quotations and reviews
which include authors name
All rights reserved, except for use in brief quotations and reviews
which include authors name
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Being in the Zone
We've all had those moments when life is flowing with ease and certainty, where it seems as if nothing can possibly go wrong. Being in the Zone as it's often referred to, is a mystical and exciting place to be. In this state life feels effortless, harmonious, and powerfully dynamic. You can feel totally focused and in sync with some great, unseen, mighty force. And you may even feel limitless and free, totally at one with all of creation. Things just work out naturally and you don't even have to try so hard. It's a gentle and reassuring experience for sure, which allows you to feel connected to a larger than life matrix of energy.
So what if you knew how to create this empowering state whenever you desired and you could turn on the magic at any given moment? Well I am convinced we all can. Here's the thing to understand, everything is associated with a certain frequency and Being in the Zone is no different. Keeping yourself fine tuned, receptive and in positive frequencies increases the likelihood of finding yourself in the zone more often. This includes practicing positive thinking, doing affirmations and visualizations, or doing anything that increases your energy vibrations.
But then again, life is tricky and often unpredictable. Sometimes getting into the zone just happens when it happens. You can't always control it. Sometimes you find yourself in great states when you are not trying so hard to make things happen. Life is paradoxical like that. Sometimes the best moments just happen spontaneously. And although you might not be doing anything differently at all, yet for some miraculous reason you are able to tap into and access this smooth, flowing, highly, efficient frequency.
There are some other things you can do to get into the zone as well. First of all, you have to go with the moment and be fully present wherever you are at. It is also super helpful to keep yourself in a positive state of expectancy as much as possible. You also have to exercise confidence in yourself and move in the direction of your goals. But however you get there, to this experience of Being in the Zone, it is reassuring when you do and you feel supported by the mystery of life and you know you are in sync with life's rhythms.
Copyright Justin Topik, Peace Passion Positivity 2014,
All rights reserved, except for use in brief quotations and reviews
which include authors name
Sunday, April 20, 2014
The Joy of Living
All of us have a magnificent opportunity to revel in the experience of being human. Life affords us all the chance to come alive, dance, take our dreams into flight and taste a myriad of delightful experiences along the way. Life is an exhilarating amusement park, full of tasty treats and spectacular rides. And just for The Joy of Living, you really ought to live it up and choose to take in as much of life's amazingness as you possibly can.
Sure there are problems, trials and painful moments for all of us, as this is just part of the deal of being human. But, there are also many dazzling, eloquent experiences to be had, which can take your breath away and breathe life into your soul. It's easy however, to get caught up in your challenges and despair. You have to be careful of this too, for if you wallow too long in your misery, you'll get stuck in the mud and muck.
A reassuring thing to remember however is, we all have the same amount of time and energy available, as well as the same opportunities to create lives of our own fashioning. We all have access to a plethora of resources, including our unique gifts and means of contributing value to the world. And how you use these things will determine the quality of life you create for yourself and others.
I strongly encourage you to live for The Joy of Living, love for the joy of loving, give for the joy of giving. Relish every second you are blessed with. This is what life is all about. Cherish your kids. Play make believe with them. Climb a mountain just to experience an exhilarating view. Go sky diving or hang gliding just to reach astounding heights. Run the race just for the thrill of victory. Rage the rapids just to feel strong like the river. Take time to nourish your soul, harness the powers of your mind and exercise positivity. Do all these things just because you want to experience all life has to offer. There is a great quote by an Indian sage I would like to share with you here, "When you were born you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die the world cries and you rejoice."-Kabir
Copyright Justin Topik, Peace Passion Positivity 2014,
All rights reserved, except for use in brief quotations and reviews
which include authors name
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Preoccupied With Success and Positive Thinking

The will to win and to succeed far outweighs any hurdle, or anything period that can possibly stand in your way. But here's the catch, if you want to taste success wholeheartedly, you've got to be Preoccupied With Success and Positive Thinking. If you've got a dream, you have to have a burning desire to achieve it, as well as an unconquerable zeal to go to battle for it. You have to be willing to stand in the fire for your dreams. If you want to accomplish your goals, you've got to be willing to lay down part of your life for them. You can't just say this is who I am and what I believe. You've got to act on and move on your dream. The difference between dreaming and doing is just that... doing. Talking is like breathing, anyone can do it. But doing is the real deal and is what separates life success champions from closet dreamers.
Being Preoccupied With Success and Positive Thinking is the only way you will ever succeed. This means that a good 60-75% of your main thoughts and focus need to be on positive, success related thoughts and on accomplishing your desires. It is pointless to waste your time contemplating failure and focusing on why something won't work. Remember we didn't get to the moon by contemplating how we could stay in the earth's atmosphere. Great things are accomplished by extraordinary thinking, thinking that makes you break the bonds of what you once thought was humanly impossible.
There is a surefire way to the resort destination of your dream life and that is to keep your constant focus on winning, succeeding, overcoming obstacles, moving forward and attracting abundance. For success to really take root in your outer experience, it has to first become almost an obsession of sorts, an automatic response, and a compelling desire in your inner experience. Bottom line, the more you are Preoccupied With Success and Positive Thinking, the more likely you are to taste lavish success and fruitful abundance. A side note here though, this is not to encourage you to be selfish, only thinking of yourself, which never brings about happiness, but merely to encourage you to live highly conscious everyday. Bottom line is this, the more conscious of your thoughts you become and the more you are able to occupy your mind with thoughts of a positive and successful nature, the easier the road to your dreams will become. And there you have it folks, a life changing formula...
Copyright Justin Topik, Peace Passion Positivity 2014,
All rights reserved, except for use in brief quotations and reviews
which include authors name
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Addicted to Happiness
The word addiction generally has a bad connotation associated with it. Maybe that's just because it's most often referenced with drug, alcohol and pornography abuse, as well as with food disorders? But did you know the actual Latin root of the word addiction (addictio) is not necessarily a negative one? It means a giving over, a surrender. So what if there could be some positive addictions, things you could give over or surrender to, which could prove to add substance or value to your life? It seems probable from this standpoint that there just might be a few positive, life transforming addictions out there to be had indeed. Take for example having an addiction to happiness, health, love or inner harmony. Those couldn't be so bad right? Well, here's a grand question for you. If you're going to be addicted to something, why not become addicted to happiness and feeling good? This is just as easy to do as it is to be addicted to negativity and feeling lousy. Worry, anxiety, depression, despair and anger are normal human emotions, but even they can become addictions. And they can also be life destroyers. Happiness on the other hand is a life enhancer and is therefore a great alternative for sure!
Happiness is somewhat of a science and there are countless proven formulas for achieving it. If you're willing to follow them and let it be your all consuming desire and focus, that is exactly what you shall experience. Happiness is also an art and art, like science can be well crafted and fine tuned to precision. This of course takes supreme commitment and dedication.
The truth is though, most addictions blind you, waste your energy, money and end up alienating you from others. They can have you acting like a robot which responds automatically to a response or command. An addiction to happiness however, has just the opposite effect. Being Addicted to Happiness can actually be a life saver and can add many valuable dimensions to your life. The key difference with a happiness addiction is, instead of looking outside of yourself for substances to uplift and hypnotize you so to speak, you have to look within, which is where the real source of happiness originates anyways. Looking outside of yourself never satisfies. Ken Keyes said in his book Handbook to Higher Consciousness, "Nothing is ever enough until you are enough." And this goes hand in hand with overcoming negative, destructive addictions. Once you realize you are lacking nothing and that you are the source of your emotions, as well as the creator of your destiny, your desire to reach for things that bring temporary highs naturally diminishes. And this gives way for a possible, healthy addiction to be substituted instead. Remember addiction is just a word. It doesn't have to be a bad thing after all. Maybe it just depends what it is you are addicted to?
Copyright Justin Topik, Peace Passion Positivity 2014,
All rights reserved, except for use in brief quotations and reviews
which include authors name
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
The Essence of Well-Being
Well-being entails a lot of various aspects. The dictionary defines it as: a contented state of being happy, healthy and prosperous. And though this is a good definition, it is quite vague and lacking substance. It is so much deeper in scope than this definition implies. And even though it's a broad topic, The Essence of Well-Being can be summed up in a nutshell. It is looking good, feeling good, having an abundance of energy, as well as a healthy self esteem and self concept. But, it is even a bit more than this. It is loving life, feeling purposeful, being infused with vigor and having a zest for living. It is being well, or healthy and whole in mind, body and spirit and fully understanding the connection of these three integral parts. You really cannot have imbalance in any of these areas and still maintain a thriving sense of well-being.
Wellness is certainly more than looking and feeling good on the outside. Its scope is much wider, encompassing a rich life of wholeness, completeness and inner contentedness. Those who attain this great jewel are indeed wealthy and blessed, for arriving at this station is rare indeed. It is not an easy road and is more or less a way of life. It requires an enormous commitment and discipline to self care and self nurturing. The Essence of Well-Being is synonymous with personal responsibility. You and only you can choose it for yourself. And only you can maintain it as well.
Living close to spirit, zen or the Tao is the closest link to wellness and/or well-being. And finding or making time for strengthening your connection will prove to be a work of priceless worth. The blessings you will reap for cultivating health and wellness are substantial, medicine like remedies for life's maladies. The beauty of wholeness is, when you learn how to fill yourself up, you have more to give away. The bottom line is simple, a healthy life equals wellness, happiness, harmony, peace, balance and tranquility.
Copyright Justin Topik, Peace Passion Positivity 2014,
All rights reserved, except for use in brief quotations and reviews
which include authors name
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Trusting the Bigger Picture
Everyone of us goes through times where it seems like we're doing all the right things and yet nothing appears to be working, or changing in our lives. This can be excruciatingly painful and beyond frustrating. It is precisely at these junctures though, when we feel like giving in, that we have to learn to trust that just maybe the life force, or governing intelligence knows something we don't. And perhaps if we would but trust it, it may have plans for our lives that aren't quite ready to unfold. Our limited eye sight and vision is minuscule in scope compared to that of the ever expansive perspective of the creator.
If we're not careful, we can become hardened, bitter and lose hope completely during these moments of obscurity. Our negativity can even begin to overshadow all of our good. Yet, if we can keep Trusting the Bigger Picture and find ways to keep hope alive when we feel like letting it wither and die, something good usually manages to spring forth eventually.
Life is like a magic carpet ride. It is full of surprises, some ups and downs, as well as some delightful, joyous events. Yet there are certain moments when the ride comes to a screeching halt and it appears the carpet has lost its magic to fly momentarily. Maybe it's only to keep us grounded a while before we take our next flight? Who knows? But even birds have to rest their wings from time to time. Magic is like energy though. It never dies, but only changes form. And it never disappears if we keep on believing. Sooner or later, if we hold on, it will resurface and we may even understand why we went through times of considerable uncertainty, pain, darkness and confusion.
Trusting this bigger picture that we cannot always see with our natural eyes isn't always easy however. But sometimes it's the best thing we can do, especially when all else fails. Rainy days and floods don't have to destroy our lives. In fact, sometimes they clear out the very debris which has been blocking our progress and standing in our way of a much more fulfilling tomorrow. Trust what your eyes cannot see and know that something bigger and better is quite possibly trying to emerge whenever you feel you are at your lowest moments. Stupendous lives are often crafted out of less than perfect circumstances. And sometimes we find beauty and joy where we least expected to find it. Regardless, there is perfection in the timing and unfolding of everything that happens or doesn't happen in our lives.
Copyright Justin Topik, Peace Passion Positivity 2014,
All rights reserved, except for use in brief quotations and reviews
which include authors name
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