Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Keeping Inspiration Alive & Flowing
I love to be inspired and to feel inspired. To me, inspiration is one of life's most exquisite gifts. I am absolutely convinced of its transcendental, life giving effects. And I know from personal experience that it can help keep you feeling younger, healthier and much more vibrant as a person. I also believe it is a highly important component to a person's overall well-being in mind, body and spirit.
To be inspired is to feel alive. And to be in its flow is like standing in the middle of a gushing river, bursting forth with the power and force of life. But just like a river must stay flowing in order to maintain balance and harmony, Keeping Inspiration Alive and Flowing in your own life is also crucial for your overall health and happiness. Bruce Lee once said,"Running water never grows stale. So you just have to keep on flowing." Finding inspiration is like tapping into a spring that can continuously provide you with refreshing water once you find it. My friend said to me the other day, "I feel like I have a well again that I can draw songs from." The thing is, we all have the ability to tap into that well and draw from it whenever we wish. It's just a matter of doing it. And the more often you tap into it, the greater the flow becomes.
Inspiration wants to move through you and it wants to move you as well. A person who has a great deal of it never grows boring, tired or unsatisfied. Their life is never dull or meaningless. If you don't have inspiration, motivation and passion in your life, then I would say you are greatly missing out on some of the great stuff of life. But the good news is, it's never too late to try and resurrect it in your own life. A lot of people use drugs and alcohol as a remedy to try and feel more alive, or to not feel depressed. But here's a secret I'd like to share with you. I realized a long time ago that it was impossible to be depressed when I was under the influence of inspiration. Keeping Inspiration Alive & Flowing is good medicine for the body, mind and soul...
Copyright Justin Topik, Peace Passion Positivity 2014,
All rights reserved, except for use in brief quotations and reviews
which include authors name
Friday, February 21, 2014
The Power of the Spoken Word
A word spoken forth has immense energy to create and/or destroy. We often take for granted the power our words have to affect the world around us. Once released, our words are launched like an assault of arrows onto a battle field. Words can wound and words can heal. They can be greatly constructive or potently destructive. There is an ancient Chinese proverb which states, "Spilt water cannot be retrieved." And words are no different. You cannot take them back, ever. That is why we must always be careful of the words we speak forth into existence.
Whether you may realize it or not, you carve out your destiny with your words. By using constructive words you can shift the tide of your life from negative to positive, sometimes even instantaneously. Your words can also be of great significance and benefit to others. Words of encouragement, hope and positivity can provide others with a rich sense of peace and uplifting feelings. Think for a moment how the power of the words, or lyrics in some of your favorite songs, poems or books have shaped your world. Words have caused wars, massive positive shifts in human consciousness, walls to come down between countries and even inhumane treatment of others to be ended. Don't underestimate the power your words have to transform your own life, as well as to alter human society. Your thoughts are also a part of this equation, for what is a word after all? but a thought set in motion. So guard your thoughts carefully too. They usually transform into words after time.
As you practice becoming more conscious of The Power of the Spoken Word, you will begin to see marvelous changes take place in your life. They may be subtle at first, but they will continue to expand the more you exercise your conscious mind. Try and hold back wounding, hateful expressions. These have a much more poisonous affect on you than on others anyway. When you feel emotionally charged, leave the room until you regain composure. This way you will not launch harmful words, like arrows so easily. Also remember words have a sort of butterfly effect on others. As you compliment and encourage others, these same people in turn feel more inclined to pass on this encouragement to others they encounter. One word spoken kindly, consciously and thoughtfully can indeed change the world. Remember your words hold immense power...
Copyright Justin Topik, Peace Passion Positivity 2014,
All rights reserved, except for use in brief quotations and reviews
which include authors name
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Standing Firm in Your Own Truth
There are moments and times in life when you have to be bold, be brave and stand firm in your own truth, regardless of the support or non-support you are getting from others around you. This is of course, if you wish to live your life honestly and authentically. I have reached this place in my life where I'm not trying to be cool or popular anymore. I'm just trying to be authentically ME. And if that makes me well respected and popular then great, but if not, I don't really care. I'd rather be real and liked by a few genuine people, than fake and pretentious and admired by everyone. I fully understand now my life is not about fitting in, but rather in standing out from the crowd. For I have discovered that it is in my own uniqueness and authenticity that I find my real strength and real power.
I have had much disapproval from family and friends in my life for being me and walking my own path, but I don't let it bother me anymore. I love myself. I love my life and what it's all about. I have grown extremely comfortable and content with the person I am, so much so in fact, that other people's opinions of me no longer concern me. And I think that is a great place to arrive at too...
Genuine, real people are the people who have always changed the world and who have had the greatest impact on society. Look at Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, JFK, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Whitman, Emerson and Thoreau to name a few. All of them had ginormous impact on the world by being true to themselves and walking their own path. When you are not afraid to be you, whoever you came to this world to be, then you can shine forth your bright light and essential self for all the world to see. And it is truly when you are being authentically you that you can have the greatest impact on others. Standing Firm in Your Own Truth is standing firm in who you are at the core. It is living from your own place of power and uniqueness. When others see you coming from this place, they can't help but respect and admire you for your boldness, even if they may not understand or like you.
If you are one of those people concerned with popularity and people pleasing in your life at the moment, then I would strongly encourage you to step out of that miserable place. I would encourage you to be who you are and step into a much greater and grander version of yourself. But in order to do this requires an enormous amount of inner strength and courage on your part. But here's the thing, being true to yourself and the dictates of your own soul may force you to walk on a path without many spectators and false friends, but in the end it is always worth it to be true to yourself. Abraham Lincoln once said, "Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then Stand Firm."
Copyright Justin Topik, Peace Passion Positivity 2014,
All rights reserved, except for use in brief quotations or reviews
which include authors name
Monday, February 17, 2014
Finding Your Zen
In today's world of hectic schedules, economic uncertainties, stressful pressures and demands, it's easy to lose your balance, insight and peace of mind. That is why it is absolutely essential to know how to bring yourself back to zen, or serenity. This involves bringing yourself back to the moment, remembering to breathe and knowing how to find your happy place. It also involves being able to maintain an integrated sense of well-being in mind, body and soul.
Zenful living is a way of being. And it brings with it clarity, inner poise and oneness with the Tao, or flow of life. It can be attained through meditation and contemplation. But it can also be found in simple activities such as walking in the rain, dancing playfully, listening to the waves of the ocean as they roll in and out, drinking coffee in a coffee shop, working in your garden, or taking the time to really savor and enjoy a delicious meal in a nice restaurant, just to name a few examples.
Oftentimes when we think of harmony, bliss and enlightenment, we think of attaining these things only through prayer, meditation, yoga and rigorous self disciplinary methods. And though all these methods are beneficial, let's be somewhat practical. It isn't always easy to find time every single day for these types of practices, as committed and dedicated as any of us might be. Life is busy and unpredictable for all of us at times. And being able to find your balance and harmony in the simple things can be powerful medicine as well. Sometimes it's being fully present in the small moments that bring us great peace too. Allowing yourself to be in the moment, whatever the moment may be, brings dazzling, profound gifts and healing.
Bottom line is, just as fish need water, man needs to touch the nature of his inner being and soak up its mysterious healing properties often. Making time to just be and find your zen is not to be taken lightly. Finding Your Zen is finding your power and grounding place. It is practicing being fully alive, fully present and brings with it rich rewards. So next time life gets a little crazy or out of whack, pull yourself into presence and experience the power of the moment. Zen is always there just waiting for you to connect with it.
Copyright Justin Topik, Peace Passion Positivity 2014,
All rights reserved, except for use in brief quotations or reviews
which include authors name
Friday, February 14, 2014
Staying Open to Possibilities

If you want to invite opportunity into your life, you must stay open to possibilities. Being spontaneous, optimistic and adventurous is where life's magic comes into play. Many opportunities are missed when we try to rigidly control everything, or steer life's current the direction WE think it should go. Oftentimes we can easily miss the magic of the moment when we don't allow things to unfold as they naturally want to. Sometimes the universe knows best and we have to trust where it's leading us. When you are open to possibilities, opportunities come knocking. And if you're too busy controlling everything, you won't be available to answer the door. When you are open to possibilities, you become a magnet for opportunities and life brings you many golden experiences.
Life loves to surprise us with unexpected little gifts, just as a parent enjoys doing the same for their children. A lot of times these surprises are overlooked though, cause we're too busy trying to make moments turn out as we want them to, rather than letting them unfold as they need to. Here's a perfect example: You are all ready to go to a party, when an old friend comes over out of the blue. And perhaps this is a friend whom you haven't seen for years. Instead of enjoying his or her presence and taking in the gift life is trying to bring you, you leave to go to a party. And you end up missing out on what could have been a nice opportunity to catch up, or what might have been a life changing encounter. Another example might be that you have plans to go somewhere as a family, but you have a strong intuition or impulse to just stay home with your kids instead. But you go ahead with your plans anyways and end up getting in a car accident and having a very stressful day.
A big part of Staying Open to Possibilities is learning to pay attention to intuitive impulses and hunches that stem from within. Living this way may seem a little strange at first, but there is excitement that comes along with living in this manner. And spirit always knows what experiences are in your best interest. This is why it's a good idea to include spirit into your daily decision, making processes always.
Copyright Justin Topik, Peace Passion Positivity 2014,
All rights reserved, except for use in brief quotations or reviews
which include authors name
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Make Your Passions Come Alive and Dance
If you have been waiting for that special day to take your dreams out of the closet, why not let today be that day? Go ahead and put your passions to work for you. Hell why not try making a living or designing a life doing what you are most passionate about? This is how you can Make Your Passions Come Alive and Dance. Trust me it is very possible to make money doing what you love to do the most. In fact, using your passion to design and define a career makes absolute, perfect sense. Why would you want to do anything different? God gave you your passions and interests to share with the world. Of course he wants you to use them!
Passions are sometimes sort of like cookies. If you let them sit on the shelf of the pantry too long, they get stale. Dreams and passions are meant to be exuberant. They give flavor and excitement to life. So think of ways to incorporate your passions into some type of career path if you want to be supercharged and overflowing with passion. A fabulous life is not about going to a job you hate everyday. Find what is illuminating your soul and share it with the world. Every decision you make, every path you take ought to be an expression of what is in your heart and soul. Here's something profound to ponder: It is often through our expression and creativity that we connect to a higher being, a higher power. So if you neglect your passions, you are actually neglecting the highest part of yourself-your soul. Scary thought right?
Think of one thing you could do today to incorporate one or more of your passions into your life somewhere. It could be simple. It doesn't have to be something consuming or complicated. I personally host a songwriters night once a month just so I can keep my passion for songwriting alive and flowing. Whatever it is, just find ways to share of your intrinsic treasures with those around you. And remember, a dream that sits on a shelf is basically lifeless. If your dreams have been sitting, collecting dust too long, pick them up, dust them off and do CPR on them if need be, to try and revive them. There is still hope for shelved dreams. It's never to late to take our dreams out and awaken them to new life. Follow your dreams and unique paths to carve out a new destiny for yourself and make your life shine forth. Only you can Make Your Passions Come Alive and Dance...
Copyright Justin Topik, Peace Passion Positivity 2014,
All rights reserved, except for use in brief quotations or reviews
which include authors name
Saturday, February 1, 2014
The Divine Rhythm of Life
Just as the drumbeat sets the rhythm for most songs, there is a natural rhythm to life, which we can learn to move to as well. Staying in tune with this rhythm is certainly a life saver, a stress reducer and can offer you a bit of zen, balance and poise during difficult times. Our often busy lives certainly have their own pace and agenda, which can easily get us out of tune from time to time with the universal rhythms.
Sometimes this thing called life can take us on a wild, crazy and adventurous ride. And it can be either exhilarating or exhausting depending on the circumstances. But even in moments of great upheaval and uncertainty, there is the opportunity to stay attuned to the vibrations and harmonies of life. Its echoes can be heard in all of creation, from the sounds of a waterfall, to the joyous noise of forest animals teaming with life, or in a child's innocent laughter, just to give a few examples. Life's rhythms and vibrations are all around us soothing, comforting and leading us deeper within ourselves. If you listen for their sounds and melodious, intrinsic, harmonious rhythms, they will guide you to where you need to be. They will speak volumes to your soul.
One thing highly evidenced in all of creation is that there is indeed a grand, master, piano player, playing a symphonic melody for the entire orchestra of life to follow. And just as every musician must find his or her place in the orchestra, each of us have to find our place too, or make a place for ourselves in The Divine Rhythm of life. We each need to find a melody which resonates with our inner selves and learn to beat in unison with it. This provides our lives with meaning and rich, robust flavor.
Life can be a cosmic roller coaster ride, with perilous free falls, upside down loops and scary, steep ascents or descents. Yet, we all need to recognize there is divinity and precision in ourselves, in others and in all things happening in our lives and in the world around us. There is exquisite perfection in life's ups and downs, in life's disappointments and disillusionment's. Everything has a purpose, a season, a rhyme and reason. Wisdom therefore, is learning to trust the intuitiveness and intelligence of the divine rhythms majesty and timing. The more you learn to operate in unison with these natural rhythms, the more smoother and spectacular your life experience will become.
Copyright Justin Topik, Peace Passion Positivity 2014,
All rights reserved, except for use in brief quotations or reviews
which include authors name
All rights reserved, except for use in brief quotations or reviews
which include authors name
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