We've all done this a time or two-you probably know the scenario... You are driving your car on empty, or very close to empty that is, trying to tempt fate, beat the odds, or just plain get somewhere on time. And sometimes, living on the edge like this can be exciting and kind of a rush. At other times though, it can be downright stressful and even scary. But let's just say you were in a hurry this morning and you did not stop to fill up the gas tank. So instead of driving to work on full, feeling peaceful and content, enjoying the soothing music, the gorgeous scenery and your cup of coffee, you are worried if you will make it there at all! The truth is you are unprepared. You know it, but it's too late to turn back now.
Taking care of your inner self is just the same. When you neglect to fill up or nurture your spiritual, emotional and physical needs, the day just doesn't flow as well period. You don't feel as connected to the source of inspiration and creativity. It's generally more difficult to tap into the flow and harmonize with the magic of life. And oftentimes, when you are in this state you don't feel as positive as usual, or as on target with your life purpose. When you wake up late and neglect the very things which recharge your batteries, whatever that is for you, you are less prepared in every way to begin your day. Sure you can still choose to be positive, happy and to make the most of the day, but the truth is you are running on half full, or Running on Empty as the saying goes.
Here's the thing, our level of connection to spirit either brightens or dulls our outlook on life. It can paint a picturesque, stunning canvas full of vivid, dreamy colors, or on the contrary, it can create a palette of browns, grays, and blacks-a canvas that is dreary and bland to the senses. Your attitude and level of spiritual, emotional and physical connectedness makes a dramatic difference on your experience and level of enjoyment in all situations of your daily life.
There is immense power in the way you begin your day. This includes the level of inner peace and happiness you bring with you and whether your cup is full or empty as you venture out into the world. Believe it or not, these things affect the rest of the day and the cosmic flow of events and interactions that will come into your daily experience. No matter what each day has in store for you though, you can take control by uplifting yourself and boosting your spirits right from the beginning of the morning. Do whatever it takes to begin your day on a positive note. And for goodness sake, quit Running on Empty. Fill up your tank often and keep it full. That way you can spill a bit of your harmonious, cosmic concoction and uplifting vibrational energy onto others. When your cup is full, it can't help but overflow onto everyone around you. This is one way you can uplift everyone that comes across your path, as well as helping yourself. This is the magic of running on full!
Copyright Justin Topik,
Peace Passion Positivity 2014,
All rights reserved, except for use in brief quotations and reviews
which include authors name
All rights reserved, except for use in brief quotations and reviews
which include authors name
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